Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 3 Post Surgery

I am doing really well and still only marginal pain. I am up to 85 degrees of flex on the CPM machine, and I think 90 is where I am suppose to be for the rest of the 7-10 days post surgery. I watched my DVD today and it was very cool.  You could really tell the spots that needed the microfracture repair, and the rest of the surfaces looked good.  Loose pieces of cartilage and other stuff were vacuumed up and won't bother me any more, and the previous cartilage repairs are holding up nicely. 

My surgeon says I will be able to run again once healed, but I am going to think about that for a while.  I may decide to start bike riding instead ~ at least for the rest of this year.  I intend to keep active...just need to decide in what way.

I would like to thank everyone who has been so supportive. It means the world to me.

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