Sunday, December 13, 2009


Today was the Seattle Jingle Bell Run/Walk for the Arthritis Foundation.  I sent out a lot of donation requests knowing full well most folks don't have money this year and need it for themselves.  There are a few people, though, who wouldn't miss a few bucks.  My boss was complaining, LOUDLY, on Friday about his arthritic elbow.  Perfect!  I told him he should donate to my run on Sunday.  What did he say?  Oh sure, let me get you a check?  Nope.  He said..."HOW DOES THAT HELP ME?"  I said something about how he was standing there complaining about his arthritis and he said..."But what's in it for me?"  The owners of the company I work for have very nice homes, vacation homes, boats, and car collections - OTOH I live from paycheck paycheck.  Would $25 bucks have broken their wallets?  The one who responded to me probably had several $100 bills in his wallet at that very moment.  I guess that is how the rich stay rich, and I stay poor.  I guess I will never understand that way of thinking.  If someone is in need you give whatever you can and hope someone does the same for you down the line. 

OK.  That is the end of my rant.  Merry Christmas, Happy Hannakuh, or however you Celebrate.

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