Saturday, April 10, 2010

Today I ran and I ate healthy!

I am quite proud of myself.  I do not love a lot of vegetables, but I am learning to eat them anyway.  My Mom will be very proud of me - we used to have incidents where she wanted me to eat a vegetable...just one bite...but I simply wouldn't do it.  I could sit at that dinner table for a very long time until she gave up and let me be excused. Not proud of it, but that is how it went down.

I went to the grocery store with a list - and shopped as if I was a vegetarian.  I bought tomatoes, cilantro, spinach, a bag of lettuce, and some quinoa.  Below is the fruit of my labors.  It's not pretty, but it was tasty and I did NOT pick out the tomatoes.  Hooray for me!!!

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